Thursday, November 19, 2009


This Thanksgiving will be one of only a few that we have not been with our families. We opted to visit Atlanta Christmastime instead when everyone will have more time off work and school to visit. It works out for my school schedule as well. Jim and I will definitely miss our families back East next week.

But it'll all work out though as we're set to have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday here in Telluride. About 30 or so people will gather for a pot-luck dinner at our friend's Billy Bob and Peggy Sue's house followed by a gathering that weekend with our good friends Deb and Rick. We are looking forward to being with our dear friends here in Telluride and will reflect gratefully our good fortune during this holiday.

We hope you all enjoy your holiday, your health and your good fortune. We have a lot to be thankful for.

1 comment:

SZM said...

Happy Thanksgiving Lillys!