Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Volunteer Fever

We've been recruited, and tomorrow (Thursday) Jim and I begin volunteering for the Obama campaign. If you can believe it, there's actually a campaign office here in Telluride and, less hard to believe,  quite a few volunteers. We've both been asked to staff the office in addition to going door to door to get folks registered to vote.  While we intend to keep this blog free of political rants, by virtue of us volunteering for Obama, you at least know a bit more about where we stand this election year. 

Our next volunteer event will be this Saturday when a few hundred crazies run this insane 17 mile mountain challenge called the Imogene Pass Run. We figured we can hang at the finish line, hand out gatorade and cheer rather than do any heavy breathing just getting to the start of the race. 

This will be Jim's first two volunteer efforts since moving to Telluride. He may get the fever like me. 


Anonymous said...

I only wish I could live the life you two are doing. Can't afford it, you are very very lucky. Marvin would of loved it there. He is there in the heart of those two beautiful dogs. ENJOY ENJOY!!!! Lori

SZM said... inspired me. I decided to create a blog of my own. I need to get a tad more techno saavy, though!!